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How to Use Data Migration Assistant & Clone Phone between Blackview Phones

2022-04-25 17514 73

As one of the practical features of OS, Data Migration Assistant or Clone Phone is an old friend for blackview phones users. For those who still haven't tried or have no idea of how to use it, here is the guide of how to tramiss your data between an old and a new Blackview smartphone with the help of the app.

In this guide, we are going to transfer data from BL5000 (old device) to BV8800 (new device).

Step 1:
Open both the Data Migration Assistant / Clone Phone on BL5000 and BV8800

Step 2:
Tap “I am an old device”on BL5000 and “I am a new device” on BV8800. Then you would see these pop out.

Tap “Imported from Blackview device” on BV8800. (The app only supports data transmission between Blackview smartphones.) Then BV8800 will show you a QR code.

Step 3 :
Use BL5000 to scan the QR code on BV8800. Wait for two phones to connect with each other.

Step 4:
Then you will be asked to select the data you want to transfer from BL5000. Select the data and click “START CLONE” and then click “Got it”

Step 5:
Wait for the data transmission between two phones.

Step 6:
Click “Finished”

Read also,

During data transmission, here are the do's and don'ts.
1. Make sure both phones have good network connection.
2. Both phones should have sufficient battery during transmission.
3. The app can only transfer files under 5 GB.
4. Transmission is only possible between Blackview phones.

BV8800 has now successfully got a copy of BL 5000’s data. This only takes you a few minutes by following simple steps. If you want to transmit data from an old Blackview smartphone to a new one, now you can try for yourself.


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