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How to find hidden cameras use phone without APP

2022-05-17 20677 689

Use your phone to detect hidden cameras without APP

Welcome to Blackview (Well-known brand of outdoor rugged devices, here are our rugged phones for sale) blog. Hope this "detecting hidden cameras" guide has been helpful.

Concerned about surveillance? Even in your house, in your room? Here's the guide on how to find hidden spy cameras using a mobile phone.

Have reason to be suspicious of a partner or employer? Feel that someone is watching you, perhaps with a hidden camera?

Someone is watching you. This is pretty much irrefutable in the post-Snowden era. But digital surveillance of emails and telephone records is less hair-raising than someone observing your movements via a hidden spy camera.

It's unlikely that you have never been filmed out in public. You have almost certainly been caught on CCTV. You might even have been filmed from distance on a TV news report.

Over the years it has become less surprising as we've become more accepting of closed-circuit cameras, security cameras, and more. You're probably not comfortable with this, but you can at least accept it as part of keeping society safe.

Hidden cameras in offices, hotel rooms, and even your house are a different matter, however.

How can you find hidden cameras with a smartphone?

You could discover the truth if only you knew how to detect a hidden camera. The usual method mentioned online is to download the hidden camera detector APP (Include Android version and iPhone version, some APPs need to pay fee). But users need to bear the risk of mobile phone being hacked, or accepted the mandatory and boring ads from the APPs, if they do this.

As a matter of fact, there is another better way to detect the hidden cameras, that is to own a night vision camera phone. This type of smartphones have a built-in IR night-sight camera, and it is one of the rear-facing cameras. With this type of smartphone, you do not need to download any hidden camera finder APP, just open the camera and switch to the 'night vision' mode to get start. It is the safest and the best hidden camera detector.

There are several hot and the best night camera phone artifact in the market that really worth to hands on. What's more, they meet the needs of those who have limited budgets. They are Blackview BL8800, BV8800, and OSCAL S60 Pro. Below are the steps to open the night vision camera, and how to use it:

  • 1. Open your phone.
  • 2. Open the camera (Switch to rear-facing capture mode)
  • 3. Tap the 'eyes icon' on the screen (bottom left), then the slash on the 'eyes icon' will disappear, and the camera will turn into black and white mode.
  • 4. Scan the targets anywhere, if there is a hidden camera, you will see the light point on the screen.

Note: This kind of smartphones only available on detecting those spy cameras that rely on infrared to work.


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