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Can you uninstall Google Family Link from your phone or tablet?

2024-09-11 574 6

Welcome to Blackview (Well-known brand of military grade rugged phone and tablet) blog. Hope the guide helps.

Google Family Link is one of the best parental control apps for Android and iOS, it is easy to install on your device, so, can you remove it from your device? Yes, you can uninstall Google Family Link from your phone or tablet, but the process depends on whether you are the parent or the child in the Family Link setup:

Family Link app

For Parents:

  • Open the Family Link app on your device.
  • Go to the menu and select your child's account.
  • Scroll down and tap Manage Settings.
  • Tap Account Info and then Remove Account.
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm and remove the account.

Once the child's account is removed from Family Link, you should be able to uninstall the app from your device by:

  • Android: Go to Settings > Apps > Family Link and tap Uninstall. Extending reading: How to remove apps from Android?
  • iOS: Tap and hold the Family Link app icon until it jiggles, then tap the "X" or Remove App.

For Children:

If you are the child using a device that is managed by Family Link, you won't be able to uninstall it yourself. Family Link prevents the app from being removed without parental consent. A parent must follow the steps mentioned above to remove the account or manage settings before you can uninstall the app.



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