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Can you use Amazon Music on multiple phones?

2024-09-09 44 0

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Amazon Music

Amazon Music is a popular streaming service that offers millions of songs, podcasts, and other audio content. It is one of the best free Android music apps for smartphones.

So, can you use it on multiple devices?

Yes, you can use Amazon Music on multiple devices, but the functionality depends on your subscription plan. With the standard Amazon Music free tier or Amazon Prime Music, you can stream music on one device at a time. If you try to play music on another device simultaneously, the previous stream will pause.

For Amazon Music Unlimited Individual plans, you can use multiple devices, but only one stream can be active at any given moment. To stream on more than one device simultaneously, you would need an Amazon Music Unlimited Family Plan, which allows up to six accounts to stream concurrently. Each family member can use their own account on different devices without interrupting others' listening experiences.

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