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Does Blackview blue light glasses anti-glare (help with) when night driving?

2023-03-13 320 0

Blackview blue light glasses will help with night driving.

Blackview BG802

Anti-glare. We know that one of the benefits of blue light glasses is, it can protect our eyes from harmful blue light, however, it is not easy to choose a pair of good blue light glasses in the market. And another factor we (especially the drivers) will consider is, are blue light glasses anti-glare? Since Blackview blue light glasses launched, it gains focus from many people. This is also one of the questions they concerned, Blackview blue light glasses can block up to 99.44% harmful blue light (other brands 60%), and 100% UV-A and UV-B UV rays, besides, it is also a good pair of night driving glasses with anti-glare, thus, the answer is, anti-glare.

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