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Can I use the 45w charger for a 25w smartphone?

2023-08-11 15278 150

45W Charger

Yes, you can use a 45W charger for a 25W smartphone. Your phone will only draw the amount of power that it needs, so it won't be damaged by using a higher wattage charger. In fact, you may even see slightly faster charging speeds with a 45W charger than you would with a 25W charger.

Here's how it works:

  • The charger outputs a certain amount of power, measured in watts.
  • The phone's battery can only accept a certain amount of power, measured in watts.
  • The charger and the phone negotiate with each other to find a power level that is safe and efficient for both devices.

When using a charger with a higher wattage than what your device needs, there is no harm or risk to your smartphone. The charger will simply provide more power than necessary, but the smartphone will only draw the amount of power it requires (25W). The modern smartphones have built-in charging circuits that regulate the amount of power they draw from the charger, ensuring that they receive the appropriate amount.

However, it's important to note that you won't see a huge difference in charging speeds between a 45W charger and a 25W charger. The difference will be most noticeable if you're charging your phone from a low battery level.

So, if you have a 45W charger and a 25W phone, there's no harm in using the 45W charger. You may see slightly faster charging speeds, but it's not going to hurt your phone.

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