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Can you change your 4G SIM card to 5G?

2024-04-22 158 0

Welcome to Blackview (Well-known brand of outdoor rugged smartphone) blog. Hope this 'SIM card upgrading' guide helps.

SIM card

In most cases, you don't actually need a new SIM card to get 5G service! Many modern SIM cards, including those designed for 4G/LTE, are already compatible with 5G networks.

Here's what you'll need to check:

  • Check with your carrier: They can confirm if your current SIM card is compatible and if you need to upgrade your plan to access 5G. Some carriers might even let you upgrade your SIM through their app.
  • Verify your phone is 5G compatible: Not all phones can use 5G networks. Check your phone's manual or search online to see if your model supports 5G.

Even if your SIM card is compatible, you might still need to enable 5G in your phone's settings.



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